Our company

“Hunting for work without a high-quality CV is like hunting for a bison with a slingshot” – this is not just our slogan but also our philosophy. We believe that many excellent professionals are underpaid or find it challenging to find a job because they do not have a good CV that best reflects their best qualities and advantages. Personal branding isn’t just a pretty phrase used by recruiters or hiring professionals. With the growing competition in the labor market, each of us must be able to “sell ourselves” as profitably as possible. We believe your CV is an investment, akin to what companies do by investing in marketing.

And it’s up to you whether you go for a bison with a slingshot or decide to get a more serious weapon.

cv universe team
cv writing

Our company provides exceptional CV writing services, using a personalized approach and professional writers who specialize in almost all existing fields, such as Accounting, Customer Service, IT, Construction, Education, Security, Geology, Logistics, Industrial, Financial Management, Marketing , and many others.

We can also write a quality CV for a student with no work experience and believe this is a very important stage of the beginning of their career.

Our company has tremendous experience in recruiting, many of our team members have worked in recruitment agencies and in the HR departments of companies for decades. We know better than anyone else what a sample of an ideal CV should look like.

And now, some interesting statistics:



Professional recruiters spend no more than 10 seconds looking at each CV


of CV's, where the specified email doesn't look professional, go to the bin.


of CVs are thrown away because they span more than two pages.


of CVs are discarded due to grammatical and stylistic mistakes or because they are written in a third person.

We bet that some of these statistics came as a surprise to you, and you may have recognized yourself by reading it. In fact, very few people realize that writing a CV is a job itself. And as in many other areas, this one also has professionals.


Imagine that you decide to build a shed in your garden without any experience in construction. Probably, with the tools and learning “step by step,” making mistakes and redoing, you will still achieve the result. Whether the time spent and the end result will be worth it is another question.


We are ready to help any person write a CV, regardless of what area or industry they work in. We know how to highlight your advantages as a candidate, write a strong Personal Profile, correctly describe your work experience, and write an attractive cover letter.


Probably, since you are reading this text, you doubt whether it is worth spending your money to get a CV written for you, or to do it yourself. Well, the example with the construction of a shed describes your current situation in the most colorful way. And the choice is yours – will you attempt to do it yourself or leave it to professionals.


In any case, we sincerely wish you the best in your job search!


Your CVuniverse team.

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